Once accepted you will receive an email to confirm a place has been reserved for you. Payment can be made via cheque or BACS. Please check your spam folder for any replies.
GDPR Statement:
In booking you AGREE to allow the use of your data to process the booking, sending passes to your postal address and keeping you notified of any important updates about the events you are attending by the contact details provided. If you do not consent to us using your data, we cannot process your booking! The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which came into force on the 25th May 2018 give you more control over how your personal information is used by the GYTEC and makes it quicker and easier for you to check and update the information we hold about you. As always, we’ll continue to collect, use, store your personal data safely and securely and as a rule we only keep the current year and previous 2 years exhibitor and trade information.